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第144章 亲密关系

the Lifelong power of close Relationships


by Robert waldinger and marc Schulz

For 85 years (and counting), the harvard Study of Adult development has tracked an original group of 724 men and more than 1,300 of their male and female descendants over three generations, asking thousands of questions and taking hundreds of measurements to?nd out what really keeps people healthy and happy.

85年来(这一数字还在不断增加),“哈佛大学成人发展研究项目”(harvard Study of Adult development)追踪了原始实验小组中的724名男性及其1300多名后代(其中男女均有,且横跨三代人)。期间,研究人员向他们提出过数千个问题,进行过数百次测试评估,只为找到人们保持健康与获得快乐的真正原因。

through all the years of studying these lives, one crucial factor stands out for the consistency and power of its ties to physical health, mental health and longevity: good relationships.


In 2008, we telephoned the wives and husbands of harvard Study couples in their 80s every night for eight nights. we spoke to each partner separately and asked them a series of questions about their days. on days when these men and women spent more time in the pany of others, they were happier.


Like most older people, those in the harvard Study experienced day-to-day?uctuations in their levels of physical pain and health di?culties. but we found that the people who were in more satisfying relationships were bu?ered somewhat from these ups and downs of mood—their happiness did not decline as much on the days when they had more pain. their happy marriages seemed to have a protective e?ect.


today we live in much more plicated environments, so meeting our social needs presents di?erent challenges. we might be sitting on a gold mine of vitality that we are not paying attention to, because it is eclipsed by the shiny allure of smartphones or pushed to the side by work demands.
