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第150章 阅文集团

2014年,腾讯以50亿人民币收购了当时中国网文(网络文学)市场的主导者盛大文学,将其与腾讯文学整合成为如今的阅文集团。用户主要通过平台 App下载试读后进行网文购买,从而继续阅读。阅文的2亿用户可享用平台超过1000万的藏书资源。如今,这一付费阅读的规模和接受度都已经取得了长足的发展。作为内地网络文学行业的领军者和主导者,阅文集团于11月8日在香港联合交易所主板上市。对于中国整个文化产业市场而言,网络文学市场的出现和发展在相当大程度上影响了影视、网游、漫画等文化产业的发展。据悉,一些畅销小说已经计划植入热门游戏和影视作品当中。网文市场能否开启中国文学的新篇章?我们拭目以待。

bestseller: china Literature's Ipo

1 It looks to be a love story.

2 today china's most popular provider of fiction-for-phones will book over $1bn in a flotation on hong Kong's stock exchange.

3 Retail stock was subscribed 600 times over; investors expect a valuation of above $6bn.

4 they hope to help write the next chapters of china Literature—as affluent young chinese bee more willing to pay for them.

5 the novel platform, where every month 200m feast on a library of close to 10m novels on their smartphones, offers the first pages of some works for free, then charges to read on.

6 the 6m authors who write for the repository serialise works and adapt plotlines based on readers' ments.

7 And there is a real-life twist: its majority stakeholder is tencent, a gaming-and-social-media behemoth that wants to expand its entertainment empire.

8 bestselling novels are already being made into hit games, films and dramas, reaping juicy licensing fees.

9 Expect a page-turner.


Ipo:首次公开募股(Initial public offerings)

flotation \/fl???te??(?)n\/: n.发行股票

subscribe \/s?b?skr??b\/: vt.订购、认购(股票等)

affluent \/?afl??nt\/: adj.富裕的

feast on:尽情享用

feast \/fi?st\/: n.盛宴;(感官)享受

repository \/r??p?z?t(?)ri\/: n.存放处;信息库

serialize \/?s??r??l??z\/: vt.连载

behemoth \/b??hi?m?θ\/\/?bi?h??m??θ\/: n.庞然大物

hit \/h?t\/: n.风靡一时

reap \/ri?p\/: vt.收割;收获

juicy \/?d?u?si\/: adj.多汁的;利润丰厚的

licensing fees: n.许可费;知识产权费